Monday, June 13, 2016

Personal Data Protection

From the Wikipedia:
The regulation definition of "personal data" covers anyone any data that can be used to identify a living individual. Anonymised or aggregated data is not regulated, providing the anonymisation or aggregation has not been done in a reversible way. Individuals can be identified by various means including their name and address, telephone number or Email address. The regulation applies only to data which is held, or intended to be held, on computers ('equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose'), or held in a 'relevant filing system'.

Considering the above definition, respectable institutions and websites, define their privacy policies. A privacy policy is a document containing legal definitions or statements about the ways a party gathers, uses and discloses client´s or customer´s personal information.  For example, the following screenshot shows you a section of the Scratch website privacy policy. It´s a good idea to take a look at the original document before creating an account.

Some tips you might consider interesting: (VA)

  • Do not disclose any personal information unless absolutely necessary. 
  • Use nicknames whenever possible to create on-line accounts.
  • Do not over-share information on social networks, or any other website.
  • Avoid whenever possible unsecured Wi-Fi connections.
  • Don not leave your computer unattended and use a screen lock with password. 
  • Use a password protected screen locker for your smartphone. 
  • If you know about, or suspect about, illegal personal data information usage report to authorities. 


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